Stylistas Anonymous

for the fashion-addicted

super low fat black ruffle skirt. adjectives galore. May 6, 2009

Filed under: clothes. — stylistanumberone @ 6:50 am
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Remember those Dollhouse Caitlyn shoes that I said needed a tulle skirt? I think I found one perfectly suited for them. It has lots of ruffles and is delightfully black and pretty edgy. Those shoes would definitely rock this skirt.

ruffle skirt

adjective-laden skirt.

Wondering where you can find such an edgy skirt that no one else will be wearing (probably)? Here at Hot Topic, of course! Where individuals go to buy the same clothes. All joking aside (and it is a joke. I enjoy Hot Topic, thank you.), the price for such a skirt is $32, and it comes in sizes medium, large, extra-large, and extra-extra-large. I’ll tell you this much, Hot Topic really caters to everybody it can; good news for the larger set out there.

-stylistanumberone ;D